Our Vision - Earth 3.0 Requires Intelligent Capital

We believe the future of asset management should be inherently diverse and inclusive; built through a new collaborative model of investing.

We endeavor to genuinely impact the world through our capital, advisory, and engagements by investing in companies that are building Earth 3.0.

Over the last century we have moved from the industrial age to the information age. And with it, a transition of how we live, work and socialize has played out. In the preceding decades, we have been transitioning from a purely analogy world to a digitizing world. And while the promise of a digital world has emerged, the next several decades are poised to be a hybrid of the three, shattering status quo and opening the doors for an optimized future.

We continue to focus on major industries that contribute north of 2/3 of the world's GDP in aggregate, while continuing to be cornerstones of how we live, work and socialize. These industries include, fintech (including RE, supply chains, & insurance), climate+energy 2.0, digital health, and decentralization.

We primarily focus on the technology ecosystem as innovative solutions, models, and distribution mean greater potential to achieve exponential outcomes. Renn uniquely brings multifaceted capital to generate extraordinary outcomes and returns.

Read our Investment Philosophy